
Siloed departments are decimating membership numbers – cross-functional collaboration will help

Janine Chasmer
Janine Chasmer

It’s no secret that data reigns supreme, with McKinsey reporting a 2200% increase in new customer acquisitions for organisations that are data driven. This perhaps explains why 63% of organisations are looking to expand their use of data in 2024.

It’s all about using the details members have shared with you to craft personalised, value-added experiences that keep people coming back for more. Nevertheless, the process isn’t always that simple. Whilst data could, in theory, be used to drive the decisions behind sustainable membership growth, there’s often one major obstacle standing in the way: data silos.

Sound familiar?

To give you some valuable insight, we thought you would find our dedicated guide – Bridging the gap! Siloed departments are decimating membership numbers – cross-functional collaboration will help – a useful read.

When reading through this guide, we urge you to think about:

  • If your membership organisation is impacted by data silos
  • Whether your membership organisation has clear data processes in place
  • If team members waste valuable time and resource on manual data processes
  • If your membership organisation is held back by outdated legacy systems

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More about the author

Janine Chasmer
Janine Chasmer - Principal Consultant

Janine’s career includes 10 years in the not-for-profit sector, specifically within membership, and she leverages her industry expertise and first-hand experience with a wider range of clients, including Membership and Charity, where she provides consultancy on a range of areas including Business Strategy, Customer Experience improvement and process optimisation. In recent years, Janine has applied these consulting skills to the Education sector, supporting HE and FE institutions to improve their applicant and student experience at key phases such as application, enrolment, Clearing and progression. Other projects include Digital and Data Strategy, process and automation, and Student Journey optimisation. She has also worked as a SRM Functional Consultant, using this unique insight of both sector knowledge, and enabling technology to achieve transformational outcomes. Janine is also a regular event speaker and creates and shares industry and sector insights with her network.

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